1000 Monkeys Automatic Programming System (OMAPS)

Tired of writing code? Wish you could get your computer to write it for you? Are you confused by complicated concepts like generative programming and genetic algorithms? Well the answer to your dreams is here. We've taken the principles of Genetic Algorithms, removed the complicated logic, and created the automated code generation system of your dreams! It's called the 1000 Monkeys Automatic Programming System (OMAPS).

You will need:

  • A random text generator
  • A compiler
  • A testing framework, like JUnit
  • Lots of time on your hands


Here's how it works:

Step 1: You create a test harness for the code you want to create. This is a suite of tests that the code must pass in order to be considered viable.
Step 2: Using your random text generator, create a file with random text.
Step 3: When the file is completed, run your compiler.
Step 4: After a successful compile, run your unit test.

If the test passed, congratulations, you have your code! If it doesn't pass, you'll need to repeat the steps 2 through 4 again until your code is created.

Side Effects:

  • Unexpected behavior
  • Minimalistic behavior

Results, with times, coming soon!