Matt's Blog: while { coding }
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You’d think 3 releases in 3 days wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Yet I somehow found a way to make things difficult for myself. Before I get into this post too far though I should say that yes, I knocked out my 3 releases. Yay me. I know, you’re ecstatic at my great and unimaginable success.

Here’s what I released:

1. Update to web app for client M
2. Update and open up for Twimmetry
3. Repurposing of a deployment script for use with Twimmetry

The web app update was straight-forward, although it presented a few small hassles.

Likewise the Twimmetry mods largely involved turning off the beta-user requirement (now anyone can use the site) and fixing a few bugs here and there. Technically I did two releases of Twimmetry over two days, but that didn’t sound fun to count toward my goal. My most embarrassing bug wasn’t actually a software bug at all. I misspelled “achieve”. ‘I’ before ‘E’, right? Terrible.

The toughest bit of code to release actually turned out to be the deployment script. That should have been the easiest, since I was totally cheating and just copying an existing deployment script and making a few small changes. Or so I thought. I’ll spare you the long version and just sum up by saying that I need better standardization on how I store my Django projects in Subversion and how they are structured for deployment. I also shouldn’t debug code at 2AM… ever.

I need to find a nice push-button, multi-platform deployment solution that works the way I think and doesn’t do a bunch of other crap like server admin which is nice but overkill for an apps shop like mine. One nice thing about the deployment scripts that I’m using is that they are totally customizable and they can reproduce any action that I take at the command line. (I’m using Python and pexpect if you’re wondering.) I pay a hefty price for that power sometimes though. Also, while I have crazy wizard-like powers at the command line, GUI-driven, non-Web Windows deployments are gumming me up. But I digress.

Next challenge: grow from 3 in 3 to 7 in 7. Although I may give myself a day off because my neighbors are currently reenacting the Revolution, the Civil War, and the Dresden bombings – simultaneously – in my neighborhood. It’s a tad difficult to concentrate.

Happy 4th!